who am I?

first and foremost, I'm a delhi boy trapped in bombay. a full time software engineer, part time radiohead enjoyer.

I work for Macha.ai, I enjoy building mind boggling and fun products (even if they are borderline weird).

going forward, i want to be in places where i meet people who are passionate about solving a problem big enough to change the way we interact with technology. even if it is not a problem, it could be a gap in the market, an opportunity big enough or just fun for people to use.

if you're builing something and need any help, you know where to find me.

things i will talk about if you buy me coffee

formula 1. coffee (brewing, taste, ph level, instant coffee, great places). spectacular ux. decentrealized web. retro tech (everything from typewriters and jukeboxes to psp, ipods and windows vista). the state of the economy. movies. very good podcasts (recommendations are welcome). how dapps should have easier onboarding for native web2 users. how much I love biryani. why lando norris is the next big thing in f1. why having adhd is great but disgusting. minimal design maximal design and the sweet spot in between. how the social network is the best movie of the 21st century (yet).

there's obviously more but i'll leave those for the coffee table


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